Test Your Knowledge: Treatment Plant Trivia!

Test Your Knowledge: Treatment Plant Trivia!

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Think you know everything about treatment plants? Let's see how much of a water treatment expert you really are! Here’s a fun quiz to put your skills to the test. Scroll down for the answers at the end!

1. When was the first recorded water treatment system used?

a) 2000 B.C. b) 500 A.D. c) 1800 A.D.

2. What process is commonly used to remove solid particles from wastewater in the initial treatment stage?

a) Chlorination b) Filtration c) Sedimentation

3. Which of these methods is used to disinfect water by destroying harmful bacteria?

a) Ultraviolet (UV) light b) Activated carbon filtration c) Reverse osmosis

4. What percentage of the Earth’s water is freshwater?

a) 50% b) 10% c) Less than 3%

5. How many gallons of wastewater does the average person generate each day?

a) 20 gallons b) 50 gallons c) 100 gallons


  1. a) 2000 B.C. – The ancient Greeks were ahead of their time!
  2. c) Sedimentation – It’s all about letting gravity do the work!
  3. a) Ultraviolet (UV) light – Zapping those microbes with the power of light!
  4. c) Less than 3% – Freshwater is rare, and we treat it like gold!
  5. c) 100 gallons – That’s right! We use a lot more than we think.

How’d you do? Whether you nailed them all or learned something new, there’s always more to discover!


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