Package Treatment Systems Provide County With Solutions While Planning Upgrade

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Package Treatment Systems Provide County With Solutions While Planning Upgrade

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When the Town of Marana, Arizona, experienced rapid growth, quick but effective treatment solutions to its existing municipal lagoons were sought. The upgraded facility required meeting three basic criteria: 1) expanded capacity in the short term to 150,000 gpd; 2) enhanced biological treatment capability to allow some (or all) effluent to be reused; and 3) be cost-effective because long-term growth would eventually require a replacement system ten times larger (or 1.5 mgd).

A proposed interim packaged treatment plant solution would bridge the gap between the original lagoons and a future large-capacity wastewater treatment facility to be planned later in the decade. 

The solution was S&L's ADDIGEST treatment system. For more details, click here to read the full case study.


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