HeadCell / Hydro GritCleanse Stops Tons (Literally) of Grit from Entering WWTP During Record-Breaking Rains

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HeadCell / Hydro GritCleanse Stops Tons (Literally) of Grit from Entering WWTP During Record-Breaking Rains

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The Gills Creek WWTP sits just south of Columbia, South Carolina. Its collections system is not a combined stormwater/sanitary system, but as is true for most municipalities, parts of Columbia’s collections system were aging and becoming increasingly subject to inflow and infiltration. I&I allows soils, sand and gravel to enter and deposit throughout the collections system over time. Even separated sewer systems can be subject to dramatic spikes in flows during heavy rain events and Gills Creek was no exception. 

When heavy rain occurs and surges through the collections system, it significantly increases flows entering local treatment plants. Additionally, these rapid increases in flow volume and velocities scour sand deposited throughout the entire collections system and flush all of it into the WWTP at once. When Gills Creek was experiencing record-breaking rain events, its newly installed HeadCell grit removal system prevented 25-30 tons of grit from entering and depositing throughout the treatment plant during each heavy rain event. 

Click here to read the full case study and learn how the HeadCell / Hydro GritCleanse system can protect your plant under all operating conditions.

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